Coin Master

How to Send unlimited cards trick
The limit for sending cards is 5, but you can send unlimited cards to your friends, you will have to change your date after one day, this will help you to send 5 more cards to your friends. So, repeat the process and send unlimited cards to your friend.

How to Get Help in Card trading groups
Sometimes it helps and sometimes it does not happen. Sometimes, some people will give you the required card, but sometimes you do not give a card, but they attack your village many times and you get bigger hassles by making a bigger raid. I think you to join the trading group trust the trustworthy person who gives you cards and unfriends others who mislead you. The strategy for getting any cards from other people is simple. You have to post that give a clear message why you need the card, attach your recent card set photo. Give an emotional message. Try other’s posts where find those people who promise to help. Send them a personal message for help.

How to complete Events Part 1
Viking quest and set blast are the most important event for generating spins. Here I gonna tell you about every event and the right time to use the event. Attack Master & Raid master: Attack Master and Raid master is now the biggest event of coin master. You will get coins and spins in these events. Diamond Rush: First event which includes the spins set in the game. now it’s common that every event has the coins and spins set in the game. Now a day’s this event is useful for those who have fewer spins in their cm account. Ultra attack Master & Ultra Raid Madness: Both are awesome events; you just need to focus on 3 Ultra signs to get more rewards.

How to complete Events Part 2
Village Master: Complete the villages in this event it will give you more food and potions to your pet. After completing the first village you will get lots of coins to complete the next village so it will help you in getting more rewards. Jackpot: Biggest fiasco event. Viking Quest: Most important event to get 10,000 spins, so spend all stored coins in this event to get 10,000 spins.

How to get big raids
Give food to your pet, higher your bet, and play after getting the first small raid you will get next higher raid. The chances are 70% so keep trying. Sometimes we need big raids to complete our villages but are stuck on low raids. You can customize your raids by adding your own two accounts. Sometimes we need big raids on a big bet. If you continue playing with the higher bet you will lose too many spins.

Never store your income
As soon as you get the coins, use them to upgrade the village. If you store coins and your village gets raided then you will lose all your coins at once. So, try to spend your coins on your village or anything else instead of storing them.